Edgewall Software

Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#233 closed defect (worksforme)

Build step cwd not properly set

Reported by: jkyllo-trac@… Owned by: osimons
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Recipe commands Version: dev
Keywords: Cc: jkyllo-trac@…
Operating System: Linux


While setting up a system for lint reports, I found that pylint was unable to find my package due to the cwd not getting set. I was able to observe this by using sh:exec build steps with "ls" and "pwd" as well as a python script with this in it:

import sys for p in sys.path: print p

ls showed the correct files but pwd should that bitten-slave was not switching to the correct directory. The python script showed my standard path plus the directory from which bitten-slave was started. I imagine this was because the build step was inheriting this path from bitten-slave. It was quite strange but after some digging I found that the cwd passed to Command Line? on line 124 of source:trunk/bitten/build/shtool.py was not getting set. The only chance it had of being set was when the 'output' parameter of the 'execute' function was not set.

I simply shifted the if/else blocks for setting dir_ to the left one tabstop and now pylint is able to find my module as expected. I have attached a patch to illustrate this but it is, of course, pretty trivial. If this behavior is incorrect please let me know as there should be some way for dir_ to be set to ctxt.basedir for the normal case. The patch is against revision [519].

Attachments (1)

bitten-basedir.patch (557 bytes) - added by jkyllo-trac@… 17 years ago.
Patch changing source:trunk/bitten/build/shtool.py to properly set the cwd for sh steps.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

Changed 17 years ago by jkyllo-trac@…

Patch changing source:trunk/bitten/build/shtool.py to properly set the cwd for sh steps.

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by jkyllo-trac@…

Correction, that's against source:trunk/bitten/build/shtools.py

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by jkyllo-trac@…

  • Cc jkyllo-trac@… added

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by flavour@…

This seems to be a duplicate of #283

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by osimons

  • Owner changed from cmlenz to osimons

Closed #283 as a duplicate of this ticket.

That said, using latest trunk and a simple build recipe, I can't really find anything wrong. Here is the steps I used for pylint - testing both python:exec and sh:execute after a previous step to checkout (and 'bitten' is the package inside the checkout):

  <step id="pylint" description="pylint sh:execute">
    <sh:exec executable="pylint" output="pylint.out"
            args="--output-format=parseable bitten" />
    <python:pylint file="pylint.out" />
  <step id="pylint" description="pylint python:exec">
    <python:exec module="pylint.lint" output="pylint-report.txt"
            args="--output-format=parseable bitten" />
    <python:pylint file="pylint-report.txt" />

I've also stared at the patch attached to this ticket, and really cannot detect what actually changes in it? Apart from perhaps whitespace?

If this is still a problem, could anyone please help me reproduce this on latest trunk (r641) by providing a failing build script, and if this perhaps is specific to the source code contents then I'd like a pointer to some publicly available source code that also produce the error.

comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by osimons

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

I don't find anything wrong using latest trunk (0.6dev), but by all means please reopen with details on how to reproduce the error if I'm mistaken.

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