Edgewall Software

Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#210 new defect

All commands in a step execute even if the first one fails

Reported by: dabrahams Owned by: cmlenz
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: General Version: 0.5.3
Keywords: Cc: osimons
Operating System: Linux

Description (last modified by dabrahams)

If you put multiple commands in a step and any fail, the step will continue executing until all commands have executed.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by dabrahams

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Summary changed from Failures ignored for all but last command in a step to All commands in a step execute even if the first one fails

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by osimons

  • Cc osimons added
  • Milestone 0.6 deleted

I've been thinking about this, and not quite sure if it is a bug or a feature. I can see why it could be a problem, but I can also see use-cases for continuing. If commands depend on each other to the extent that one command cannot execute unless a previous previous command completed successfully, breaking the step into several steps and using onerror="fail|ignore" seems to be a viable solution for the uses I can imagine?

I need to be convinced this needs solving, and I'm not at the moment. I'll leave it open for now though in case someone want to add their thoughts on this.

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by dabrahams

I won't be working to convince you, as I'm not currently using bitten. All I can tell you is that my use case didn't fit into bitten's capabilities when I reported this.

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