Edgewall Software

Current Project Build Recipes

A copy of the current recipes to show how our builds are made.

trunk + branches/0.6x

Recipes are currently identical.

<build xmlns:python="http://bitten.edgewall.org/tools/python"
  <step id="environment" title="Record environment information" onerror="continue">
    <sh:exec executable="python"
             args="-c 'import platform; print &quot;Python:&quot;, platform.python_version()'" />
    <sh:exec executable="python"
             args="-c 'import trac; print &quot;Trac:&quot;, trac.__version__'" />

  <step id="checkout" title="Checkout the code from the repository">
    <svn:checkout url="http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/bitten/"
        path="${path}" revision="${revision}"/>

  <step id="build" title="Let Distutils build the python code">
    <python:distutils command="build"/>

  <step id="test" title="Unit tests"
        description="Run unit tests and record code coverage">
    <python:distutils command="unittest"/>
    <python:unittest file="build/test-results.xml"/>
    <python:trace summary="build/test-coverage.txt" 
                  exclude="*/tests/* bitten/upgrades.py bitten/slave_tests/*"/>

  <step id="dist" title="Package up distributions" onerror="ignore">
    <python:distutils command="sdist"/>

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Mar 28, 2013, 10:13:04 AM