Edgewall Software


While the Recipe contains the instructions for how to build, configurations are used to determine what gets built and any runtime parameters used when building.

1   Target platforms

A target platform is something like 'NetBSD x86' or 'Win32 Java 1.4'.

Technically, a target platform is a named set of rules against which the properties of build slaves are matched. Each rule is a regular expression matching a particular slave property, such as the operating system or the processor. When a slave connects to the build master, it sends a registration message that includes information about the slave. A slave will only be sent builds for a given platform if the slave's properties satisfy all of the rules associated with that platform.

A rule's regular expression is matched against the value of the slave property using Python's re.match function so, for example, x86 will match a value of x86_64. Use ^x86$ to match only the value x86.

A build configuration must have at least one target platform assigned to it before it becomes fully active.

2   Slave Properties

By default, the following properties are included:

family:The basic type of operating system, typically “posix” for Unix-like systems and “nt” for Win32 systems.
os:The name of the operating system (for example “Darwin”, “Linux” or “Windows”).
version:The operating system version.
machine:The hardware platform (for example “i686” or “Power Macintosh”).
processor:The processor architecture (for example “athlon” or “powerpc”).
name:The name of the slave.
ipnr:The IP address of the slave.

Note that not all of these properties may be available for all platforms, depending on OS and Python version.

2.1   Examples

To set up a target platform, create rules that are checked against the properties of the slave. For example, a target platform that matches slave running Linux on x86 would look like this:

Property Expression
os ^Linux
machine ^[xi]d?86$

A target platform that matches any slaves running on Windows might look like this:

Property Expression
family ^nt$

The build master will request a build from at most one slave for every target platform. So, for example, if there are three slaves connected that are matching 'NetBSD x86', only one of them will perform the build of a specific revision. Slaves that match a particular target platform are treated as if they were completely interchangable.

If a slave connects that doesn't match any of the configured target platforms, the build master will reject its registration.

3   Slave Configuration

When a build slave registers with a build master, it sends information about the machine the slave is running on, and what software it has available. While some of this information can be automatically discovered by the slave, other information may need to be configured explicitly. Also, a slave instance may want to override some of the automatically computed attributes, for example to enable cross-compilation.

There are three categories of information that can be configured for a slave:

os:Properties of the operating system
machine:Properties of the underlying hardware
packages:Various pieces of software, like a language runtime or a library

3.1   Configuration File Format

For simple manual editing, the slave configuration file will be based on the 'INI' file format known from Windows, which is also frequently used by Python applications.

The file is included at runtime using a slave command-line option:

bitten-slave -f config.ini

A configuration file is partitioned into named sections. There are two predefined sections named [machine] and [os]. If you supply them in your configuration file they should include the following sections.

name = Darwin
version = 8.1.0
family = posix
name = levi
processor = Power Macintosh

There may be any number of additional sections, where each section corresponds to a software package. For example:

version = 2.1.8
version = 2.3.5
path = /usr/bin/python2.3

Note: Options called name is not allowed in custom sections (will be skipped).

The build slave sends this package information as part of the build initiation, which when using verbose logging (bitten-slave -v) will display a debug message 'Sending slave configuration:' followed by:

<slave name="host.domain">
  <platform processor="Power Macintosh">levi</platform>
  <os version="8.1.0" family="posix">Darwin</os>
  <package name="dbxml" version="2.1.8" />
  <package name="python" version="2.3.5" path="/usr/bin/python23" />

The name of the slave can only be set as command-line option:

bitten-slave --name=myhost

3.2   Commands using Properties

A number of commands support runtime settings using a slave configuration file. The example of python.path above is one such example, where all Python commands will use the specified executable for running commands.

The documentation for commands should include information about all runtime settings.

3.3   Properties in Build Configurations

Defined properties can be used in a build configuration to match slaves against target platforms. For example, the following rule would match any slave providing 'Berkeley DB XML' version 2.x:

dbxml.version ~= /^2\.\d\.\d.*/

The properties are accessible in dotted notation, where the part before the dot is the package name, and the part after the dot is the name of the property.

3.4   Property Interpolation in Build Recipes

Property values can be interpolated into build recipes as well, so individual slaves can parameterize how their build is perfomed. For example, given the following build recipe excerpt:

<svn:checkout url="http://svn.example.org/repos/myproject/"
  path="${repository.branch}" revision="${revision}"/>

Slaves may control which part of the repository is checked out and tested with a configuration file excerpt like this one:

branch = /branches/0.3-testing

Default slave properties are also available for use in recipes:

<sh:exec executable="echo"
  args="Slave: ${family} ${os} ${version} ${machine} ${processor}"/>

Additionally, environment variables are also interpolated, supporting the common notations of $VAR and ${VAR}.

<sh:exec executable="${PROGRAMFILES}/SomeDir/MyProg.exe" />

4   Authentication

Authentication information can also be included in slave configuration file:

username = myusername
password = mypassword

The authentication information will be removed as soon as it is read by the slave, and will not be passed to the master as active configuration.

See also: Documentation

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Dec 10, 2015, 6:20:19 AM