Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#614 closed defect (worksforme)
bitten-slave gives WARNING: Server returned error 400: Bad Request when trying to connect to master
Reported by: | Paresh Solanki <paresh.solanki@…> | Owned by: | |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | |
Component: | Build slave | Version: | dev |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Operating System: | Linux |
Trying to get Bitten to work with trac 0.12 with bitten 0.7dev-r888.
I have successfully converted from 0.11 to 0.12 and have installed the server side of bitten.
The main visible server side functions appear to work ok, I can edit configurations and recipes and I can see the build history of all builds done on the old (0.11) version.
When I run bitten-slave (--version says 0.6dev) I get the following error:-
2010-09-07 14:44:05,515 [bitten.slave] DEBUG: Configured packages: {} 2010-09-07 14:44:05,515 [bitten.slave] DEBUG: Sending slave configuration: <slave name="mybuild"><platform processor=""/><os version="2000" family="nt">Windows</os></slave> 2010-09-07 14:44:05,515 [bitten.slave] DEBUG: Sending POST request to 'http://psbitten.vm/trac/builds' 2010-09-07 14:44:06,358 [bitten.slave] WARNING: Server returned error 400: Bad Request 2010-09-07 14:44:06,358 [bitten.slave] ERROR: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
If I type http://psbitten.vm/trac/builds into the web browser, it says
Only POST allowed for build creation.
Trac is running on an ubuntu server and the slave is a windows machine.
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Change History (3)
comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by osimons
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by Paresh Solanki <paresh.solanki@…>
I think this is solved now.
the problem was that when I upgraded the slave from python2.5 to python2.6, the PATH was still pointing to 2.5, so bitten was not upgraded.
After correcting this and re-installing bitten-slave, I now have the slave talking to Trac.
comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by osimons
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from new to closed
Goodie. Happy you got it sorted out.
Could you also check the trac.log on server using DEBUG logging there, and if you do not see an explanation in logs then please attach both master + slave logs so that we can see what goes on. See Trac Logging for details on server-side logging.
I suspect it may be a version and/or token mismatch.