= Welcome to the Bitten Project = ''Bitten'' is a [http://www.python.org/ Python]-based framework for collecting various software metrics via continuous integration. It builds on Trac to provide an integrated web-based user interface. == Users Guide == If you want to install Bitten, please read the [wiki:BittenInstall installation guide]. == Design Documents == First, read the [wiki:WhitePaper white paper] to learn about the motivation for this project, and the overall goals. There are also pages discussing the design of individual parts of the system. These are a work in progress: * BuildConfigurations * BuildOutputProcessing * BuildRecipes * DataStorage * MasterSlaveProtocol * ObjectModel * SlaveConfiguration See also TracRefactorings for things that need to be changed in Trac itself. == Subversion Repository == The Subversion repository can be accessed at http://bitten.cmlenz.net/repos/bitten/. You probably want to check out http://bitten.cmlenz.net/repos/bitten/trunk/ : {{{ svn co http://bitten.cmlenz.net/repos/bitten/trunk/ bitten }}} == !SourceForge Project == To comply with the requirements of Googles´ [http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html Summer of Code] program, this project is also hosted on [http://sourceforge.net SourceForge] at [http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitten/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitten/]. The CVS repository is synced semi-regularly with the Subversion repository here. But you can also find [https://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=142932 mailing lists] and [https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=142932 file releases] at !SourceForge. If you'd like to try out Bitten, or would like to participate in the development, please sign up to the mailing list. == Similar Projects == * [http://www.mozilla.org/tinderbox.html Mozilla Tinderbox] * [http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/ CruiseControl] * [http://gump.apache.org/ Apache Gump] * [http://buildbot.sourceforge.net/ BuildBot] * [http://www.urbancode.com/projects/anthill/default.jsp Anthill] * [http://poocs.net/articles/2005/05/22/setting-up-cia-continuous-integration-automater CIA (Continuous Integration Automator)]